The ultimate computer may already yours. You just don't know it.

If your computer is driving you crazy and you've found this website,
hug yourself, take a pee, grab something to drink and come back.

Let's begin...

Straight to it. This website is not advertised or spammed online. If you stumbled across it searching for something relevant, or arrived here as a referral sent to you by a friend, family member or co-worker, you'll be glad you visited.

The process of making an ultimate computer takes time. There are no shortcuts.

We will explain things here without a load of nerdy tech talk or terms that will confuse or leave you frustrated. Instead, It will be kept as clear as possible. So, let's begin.

A bit about Computers:

All operating systems, Mac or Windows for example, are initially suppressed, privacy invasive and software bloated. Especially when pre-installed with a notebook, desktop, tablet or even phone.

Some reasons why...

Software you don't want or need is included and can grow like a cancer.

The user interface and experience is lousy and way more cluttered than necessary.
There are many unnecessary system performance and memory resource crippling things happening in the  background that can be disabled or removed entirely.

Your privacy is the LAST thing anyone is concerned with. In fact, operating systems and software of all types invade your privacy unless dealt with.

Antivirus software like Norton, McAffee and Kaspersky for example, are huge, bulky applications that need to be tamed, or even better completely removed, to improve system performance. (Watch This) In fact, you don't even need to use or spend money on these clumsy products year after year and can still remain secured for free with software that is much lighter on system resources and is included in the operating system and does a better job of taking care of viruses and intrusions if setup properly.

Your computer is performing much worse than it is capable of due to some of these reasons and therefore you're not only at risk of losing data or being hacked, you're not even getting the performance and security you expect and paid for.

Even the cheapest, slowest computers manufactured today are far more powerful in speed and capacity than the average user needs. Because of this, people overspend on computers wasting their money and never get to enjoy the full experience and performance these devices are capable of delivering.

The next time you find yourself standing in front of a row of laptops or desktop computers somewhere trying to decide what to purchase know this... Every unit you are looking at is basically housing components by the same major manufactures. The only true difference in quality is the motherboard that all things such as the hard drive, memory modules and processors are attached to and the overall build quality.

Of the common types of components installed by these major manufacturers, there are brands that are better than others. That's part of the "no techno mumbo-jumbo" you will be spared of here.

Everyone you encounter that builds, sells or services computers will seem like they really know their stuff. Some do. Most don't and may convince you to let them handle your sale, build or service. Treat your computer exactly the same way you do your purse, wallet or briefcase. Computers have become our workplace, entertainment, memory capsules, shopping malls, financial hubs and more. So just be wise and choose who accesses your device and data very carefully.

The computer industry has always been a place where the average consumer has been a target and victim of overpriced hardware, overcharged for service and vulnerable to scams by many companies and individuals that can make a quick buck without any conscience or concern for someone's data or privacy.

We feel for new clients that arrive after being somewhere for service and told that their hard drive was corrupt or dead and needed to be replaced or wiped to fix a problem which resulted in the total loss of their data such as important or crucial documents, personal photos, or even replaceable things like music or movies that took long to accumulate. When we tell them there was a simple fix, or the original hard drive is still installed and wasn't even replaced some get very angry or upset. That has happened many times. There is never an excuse to destroy someone's data. Again, be wise and choose who handles your device very carefully.

Now What?

So now what?

Your can enjoy all the things computing technology and the internet have to offer like shopping, online banking, making reservations, doing business or whatever else you please without having to worry about system security issues. But, there is a small learning curve and a few rules you MUST follow in order to enjoy that peace of mind without ever becoming a victim of viruses or cybercrime. You can learn a great deal about how to protect yourself properly at our website which describes Ransomware in detail. 

Now we can get into what you can do to make your computing life better, faster, safer, more reliable and enjoyable.

A few more things first.



Learning how to get computers and operating systems to run, look and perform perfectly didn't happen overnight. It's a continuous, evolving process that has taken decades of diagnostics, tweaking, customizing, building, repairing, installing hardware and software, battling viruses and more.


Build & Setup

Anyone can assemble components and get a computer up and running or take a mass produced unit and get it fired up and online. The mistake most people make, at no fault of their own, is trusting that their computer is going to be safe and perform just as they expect it should.


Young & Old

Computers purchased from major distributors are expected to be sold to anyone between the ages of 8 to 80. So to avoid support costs or returns, things have to be left wide open introducing security holes, software conflicts and performance degradation that would otherwise make the system better, faster, safer and more reliable.



Customization starts with knowing what the user will be using the computer for. Some users may need higher levels of security in place than others but that doesn't mean the system needs to perform worse. Every situation is different and that's how your computer should be handled.



Some computers get purchased to be shared by multiple users of all ages in a household or in an office environment. That just asks for trouble. The truth is, even in those situations a machine can be optimized and configured to perform as best as it possibly can and still remain secure.

Trumpet Blast


"why are there no pictures of computers anywhere?"

How's it happen?

1: First, your entire PC will be backed up in it's current state before we begin. This way, your system can be restored for any reason including something going wrong during the process. Nothing gets lost or changed from its original state if or when restored.

2: The magic begins locally or remotely. If done remotely, you can sit back and watch each step of the process happen "Live" and even ask questions or pause the process if requested.

3: After the entire process of making your computer an Ultimate Computer is complete, another full backup of your system is created so you can begin using your fully optimized and secured computer without worrying because it can be restored to this perfect state at any time in the future if necessary.

4: You submit a request for The Ultimate Computer service. If necessary, machines can be shipped as well.

Below are before and after cosmetic examples of Windows system. The amount of installed applications would obviously be different for each system but the general idea is displayed. Screen resolutions would be set to each individuals preference. All desktop files (clutter) would be put into a single folder on the desktop called "DeskTop BoX" which can be easily accessed without having to look at a pile of files all over the desktop. A computer is a lot like a house. The cleaner it is, the faster you can travel through it and find things.


This service is available locally or anywhere in the world. All that is required is a stable internet connection, a phone call for your free consultation and of course your trust. We accept PayPal and e-Transfers to process payments.

Our own computers on site are used for designing and building websites, graphics, office work, audio and video production, images, videos, music, client files of all types and much more. System conflicts, viruses and performance problems can't be an issue here. Ever. And they shouldn't be on your computer either.

We never get viruses here unless purposely acquired to troubleshoot and develop removal solutions. There is also never a need to worry about losing data due to attacks by malicious sources or hardware failures due to proper and frequent backups which we can teach you to perform yourself or provide to you as a service. (See Here)

Backing up your data, and NOT just to "The Cloud", properly and regularly to multiple sources is the only way without ever dealing with the nightmare of a data loss catastrophe.

Ultimate PC

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